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Organise Your Garage and Spark Some Joy

In a recent Instagram post from Miami Heat’s Hassan Whiteside, he said that “it’s easy keeping a clear head when you’re this organised”. We couldn’t agree more, especially now that it’s that time of year when we vow to be our best selves and live our best lives. These vows and resolutions come in many forms; exercise more, eat healthier, drink less, clean out that junk drawer, blah blah blah …. we are all too familiar with these aren’t we. One of the most common is a to be more organised, at home and at work.

In our personal and in professional lives, but real life can be messy sometimes. Living with mess, clutter and disorganisation, especially at home, can negatively impact our moods and our activity level, which is why so many are falling in love with Marie Kondo and her love of “tidying up”. Her message is one that promotes organising your belonging so that you have exactly what you need, where you need it and only keeping the items that “spark joy” in you when you handle them.

I would safely guess that we all are sparked by joy when we handle our bikes, so why not treat them as the valued and treasured items they are by storing them safely and efficiently. Incorporating a Steadyrack into garage organisational plan will help do that and hopefully spark even more joy for you and your bike.

For everyone following along with Peter Walsh’s #31Days2GetOrganized 2019 challenge, you know that day 19’s challenge is to tackle “the beast”… your garage. And like so many of us, our “beast” is full of boxes, old fax machines, furniture, appliances, bags of clothes, luggage, sports gear, boxes and more boxes and bicycles everywhere … and in the way. Can you even park your car in there anymore? Peter’s approach is to organising “one of the most overwhelming spaces” is to start with one cupboard, one bin or one drawer. If that approach doesn’t work for you, we’ve got a few helpful do’s an don’ts that might be more suitable for you and your situation. 

Purge, clean and organise. For some additional tips that can help you better organise your bikes and create a safer, cleaner, and more practical garage check out one of our popular posts about organising from last year. And along with those tips, here’s a few more to consider:

• Organise by like items

• Create a floor plan (esp. when needing to park a car)

• Use the walls (especially for storing your bikes, hello Steadyrack)

• Use clear bins to store the gear you want to keep (label them too if you can)

As your garage become emptier and emptier, you’ll be motivated to continue purging, cleaning and organising as you witness your garage transforming into a whole new space. While you continue to decide what you want to keep, here’s a few tips for what not to do:

• Don’t try to declutter and organise all in one day

• Don’t tackle this space on your own

• Don’t organise by space but organise by category

• Don’t organise to make things Pinterest perfect, organise based on how you and your family functions

• Don’t start what you can’t finish Every garage is different.

So, when it comes to organising you’re the items you want to keep, including your bikes, you’ll want to do it in the most efficient and effective way possible. An organised garage can make it easier for you to find things, but it can also reduce the chance of accidental damage to cars, people, pets and your bikes (especially if you have young kids). Your garage is probably the least exciting space in your house, even though it the most hardworking. That’s no longer true for Hassan, now that his “garage looks incredible” (thanks to Steadyrack), it’s pretty clear that his bikes spark joy for him too.

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